Dreaming of a stunning online presence? Our web design company transforms your vision into a pixel-perfect reality.


Dreaming of a stunning online presence? Our web design company transforms your vision into a pixel-perfect reality.


In the bustling digital age, a website isn’t just an address—it’s your brand’s heartbeat, first impression, and statement of purpose. And that’s where we come in. At EyeUniversal, we don’t just design websites; we craft experiences.

Backed by years of expertise and a team brimming with creative passion, we’ve been the silent force behind many online success stories. We believe in a simple mantra: Your success is our accolade. Every pixel we lay, every line of code we type, is imbued with a purpose—driving your brand’s message straight to the heart of your audience.

Our journey began with a simple goal: to bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality. Today, we pride ourselves on creating websites that catch the eye and drive results. Why? We understand that in today’s digital landscape, a website must be more than just pretty—it should be effective, intuitive, and reflective of your brand’s essence.

But here’s the thing: We’re about more than just about the tech and graphics. We’re about relationships. When you partner with us, you’re not just getting a service provider but a dedicated team that celebrates your wins as its own.


In the bustling digital age, a website isn’t just an address—it’s your brand’s heartbeat, first impression, and statement of purpose. And that’s where we come in. At EyeUniversal, we don’t just design websites; we craft experiences.

Backed by years of expertise and a team brimming with creative passion, we’ve been the silent force behind many online success stories. We believe in a simple mantra: Your success is our accolade. Every pixel we lay, every line of code we type, is imbued with a purpose—driving your brand’s message straight to the heart of your audience.

Our journey began with a simple goal: to bridge the gap between aesthetics and functionality. Today, we pride ourselves on creating websites that catch the eye and drive results. Why? We understand that in today’s digital landscape, a website must be more than just pretty—it should be effective, intuitive, and reflective of your brand’s essence.

But here’s the thing: We’re about more than just about the tech and graphics. We’re about relationships. When you partner with us, you’re not just getting a service provider but a dedicated team that celebrates your wins as its own.


We offer comprehensive website design services to elevate your online presence and foster digital growth. Our team of skilled web designers tailors each website to mirror your business needs, ensuring an impactful user experience and a solid return on investment.


We offer comprehensive website design services to elevate your online presence and foster digital growth. Our team of skilled web designers tailors each website to mirror your business needs, ensuring an impactful user experience and a solid return on investment.

Ecommerce Website Design

In the bustling online marketplace, a compelling e-commerce website sets you apart. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about creating a great user experience that makes the least friction for trust and sales for your brand. With our e-commerce website design, your brand gets the spotlight it deserves. Each design is tailored, ensuring smooth user journeys and optimal conversions. Pondering a digital store makeover? Dive in with us! Your dream e-commerce space awaits.

WordPress Website Design

WordPress reigns supreme in the world of website platforms. At the writing of this, approximately 40% of the web is run by WordPress. But why settle for basic when bespoke is within reach? We specialize in WordPress designs that break the mould. Offering both beauty and functionality, our creations elevate your online presence. It’s about capturing your brand’s essence and translating it into a digital masterpiece. Think customization beyond templates; think enhanced user experience. Ready to transform your WordPress site? Reach out, and let’s embark on this design journey together. Your captivating WordPress site is just a conversation away.

Ecommerce Website Design

In the bustling online marketplace, a compelling e-commerce website sets you apart. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about creating a great user experience that makes the least friction for trust and sales for your brand. With our e-commerce website design, your brand gets the spotlight it deserves. Each design is tailored, ensuring smooth user journeys and optimal conversions. Pondering a digital store makeover? Dive in with us! Your dream e-commerce space awaits.

WordPress Website Design

WordPress reigns supreme in the world of website platforms. At the writing of this, approximately 40% of the web is run by WordPress. But why settle for basic when bespoke is within reach? We specialize in WordPress designs that break the mould. Offering both beauty and functionality, our creations elevate your online presence. It’s about capturing your brand’s essence and translating it into a digital masterpiece. Think customization beyond templates; think enhanced user experience. Ready to transform your WordPress site? Reach out, and let’s embark on this design journey together. Your captivating WordPress site is just a conversation away.

Shopify Website Design

Shopify is the cornerstone for many thriving online stores. But to truly shine, your Shopify store needs a design touch that’s both striking and strategic. We craft Shopify experiences that wow your audience and streamline their shopping journey. Every layout choice is made with your brand’s uniqueness in mind. Say goodbye to generic and hello to a store that truly feels like yours. We make sure you are happy with the end results.

Custom Website Design

Your brand is one-of-a-kind; shouldn’t your website be too? Dive into custom website design with us, where your vision meets our expertise. We craft unique digital spaces, tailored just for you, that look stunning and function flawlessly. Move beyond the mundane and embrace a design that truly resonates with your brand’s spirit. Curious about crafting a site that stands out? Let’s chat! Together, we’ll shape a web presence that’s both distinctive and delightful.

Shopify Website Design

Shopify is the cornerstone for many thriving online stores. But to truly shine, your Shopify store needs a design touch that’s both striking and strategic. We craft Shopify experiences that wow your audience and streamline their shopping journey. Every layout choice is made with your brand’s uniqueness in mind. Say goodbye to generic and hello to a store that truly feels like yours. We make sure you are happy with the end results.

Custom Website Design

Your brand is one-of-a-kind; shouldn’t your website be too? Dive into custom website design with us, where your vision meets our expertise. We craft unique digital spaces, tailored just for you, that look stunning and function flawlessly. Move beyond the mundane and embrace a design that truly resonates with your brand’s spirit. Curious about crafting a site that stands out? Let’s chat! Together, we’ll shape a web presence that’s both distinctive and delightful.

Website Design for Small Businesses

Small businesses hold immense potential, and a standout website can ignite that spark. We specialize in crafting websites that amplify the voice of small businesses. With designs that captivate and user experiences that delight, we transform your online presence. Our approach is simple: blend your unique story with the cutting-edge user experience that authentically represents your brand.

Website Design for Small Businesses

Small businesses hold immense potential, and a standout website can ignite that spark. We specialize in crafting websites that amplify the voice of small businesses. With designs that captivate and user experiences that delight, we transform your online presence. Our approach is simple: blend your unique story with the cutting-edge user experience that authentically represents your brand.

Got Questions? Let's Talk Design!

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Got Questions? Let's Talk Design!


At the heart of a successful website is a blend of creativity and strategy, and that’s where our strength lies. Every website we craft begins with understanding your unique needs. We dive deep, listening to your story and goals. With that insight, our design journey kicks off.

When creating a custom site, we start with rough sketches and wireframes; we lay the essential groundwork. This foundational stage ensures that the final product aligns with your vision. As we progress, we infuse these blueprints with a creative flair, ensuring every page and element isn’t just functional but also oozes visual appeal. Our commitment is to create websites that are both an art and a tool, ensuring your visitors are impressed and engaged and take action to contact you for your business.

Beyond just aesthetics, our designs focus on the technical backbone. We ensure optimal performance, security, and responsiveness. In today’s digital age, with users accessing sites from various devices, a website must seamlessly adapt and shine, whether on desktops, tablets, or smartphones.


At the heart of a successful website is a blend of creativity and strategy, and that’s where our strength lies. Every website we craft begins with understanding your unique needs. We dive deep, listening to your story and goals. With that insight, our design journey kicks off.

When creating a custom site, we start with rough sketches and wireframes; we lay the essential groundwork. This foundational stage ensures that the final product aligns with your vision. As we progress, we infuse these blueprints with a creative flair, ensuring every page and element isn’t just functional but also oozes visual appeal. Our commitment is to create websites that are both an art and a tool, ensuring your visitors are impressed and engaged and take action to contact you for your business.

Beyond just aesthetics, our designs focus on the technical backbone. We ensure optimal performance, security, and responsiveness. In today’s digital age, with users accessing sites from various devices, a website must seamlessly adapt and shine, whether on desktops, tablets, or smartphones.

SEO Solutions Near You and Beyond

San Diego, CA
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO
New York City, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Seattle, WA
Chicago, IL
Philadelphia, PA
San Francisco, CA
Portland, OR
Boston, MA
Miami, FL

SEO Solutions Near You and Beyond

San Diego, CA
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO
New York City, NY
Los Angeles, CA
Seattle, WA
Chicago, IL
Philadelphia, PA
San Francisco, CA
Portland, OR
Boston, MA
Miami, FL


Discover the magic behind our web design process: where innovation meets functionality, and every concept evolves into a fully-fledged, high-performing website.


Discover the magic behind our web design process: where innovation meets functionality, and every concept evolves into a fully-fledged, high-performing website.

Step 1 – Client Consultation

Our journey begins with understanding. We take the time to discuss your brand’s ethos, your aspirations, and the essence you wish to convey. By familiarizing ourselves with your vision, we ensure our designs are an extension of your brand’s soul.

Step 2 – Research & Planning

Beyond scratching the surface, we dive deep into your industry’s nuances. By studying competitors and analyzing trends, we craft a strategy that positions you at the forefront, ensuring every design move has a purpose behind it.

Step 1 – Client Consultation

Our journey begins with understanding. We take the time to discuss your brand’s ethos, your aspirations, and the essence you wish to convey. By familiarizing ourselves with your vision, we ensure our designs are an extension of your brand’s soul.

Step 2 – Research & Planning

Beyond scratching the surface, we dive deep into your industry’s nuances. By studying competitors and analyzing trends, we craft a strategy that positions you at the forefront, ensuring every design move has a purpose behind it.

Step 3 – Wireframing

Here, our focus is structure and flow. We draft the basic layout, sketching the user’s journey across your site. This skeletal structure is our guide, ensuring clarity and a streamlined experience.

Step 4 – Design Mockups

With the wireframes as our foundation, we layer on aesthetics. Colors, textures, and fonts come into play, painting a vivid picture of the final website. It’s a blend of art and strategy, ensuring appeal and functionality.

Step 3 – Wireframing

Here, our focus is structure and flow. We draft the basic layout, sketching the user’s journey across your site. This skeletal structure is our guide, ensuring clarity and a streamlined experience.

Step 4 – Design Mockups

With the wireframes as our foundation, we layer on aesthetics. Colors, textures, and fonts come into play, painting a vivid picture of the final website. It’s a blend of art and strategy, ensuring appeal and functionality.

Step 5 – Development

This is where design meets technology. Our skilled developers weave their magic, turning designs into interactive web pages. With a keen eye for responsive design, we ensure your site is versatile, adjusting flawlessly across devices.

Step 6 – Quality Assurance

Precision is key. We rigorously test each element, from load times to button responses, ensuring users have a hassle-free and enjoyable browsing experience. Every detail matters.

Step 5 – Development

This is where design meets technology. Our skilled developers weave their magic, turning designs into interactive web pages. With a keen eye for responsive design, we ensure your site is versatile, adjusting flawlessly across devices.

Step 6 – Quality Assurance

Precision is key. We rigorously test each element, from load times to button responses, ensuring users have a hassle-free and enjoyable browsing experience. Every detail matters.

Step 7 – Launch

The grand reveal! Once everything is polished and perfected, we unveil your website to the world, ensuring a smooth transition for your audience from the old to the new. Every site comes with a 30-day bug-free warranty.

Step 8 – Post-Launch Support

Our relationship doesn’t end at launch. We have monthly support plans. We remain your steadfast allies, providing support, making necessary tweaks, and ensuring your website stays updated with the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Step 7 – Launch

The grand reveal! Once everything is polished and perfected, we unveil your website to the world, ensuring a smooth transition for your audience from the old to the new. Every site comes with a 30-day bug-free warranty.

Step 8 – Post-Launch Support

Our relationship doesn’t end at launch. We have monthly support plans. We remain your steadfast allies, providing support, making necessary tweaks, and ensuring your website stays updated with the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Awards & Recognition

Just a few of the awards, certificates, and nominations we’ve received for our work.

Awards & Recognition

Just a few of the awards, certificates, and nominations we’ve received for our work.

Why Quality Web Design is a Business Investment, Not an Expense

In today’s digital age, having a top-notch website is crucial for any business. Think of your website as a storefront: it’s often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand. Investing in high-quality web design ensures this interaction is positive and memorable and leads to conversions.

While some may view web design as a mere expense, it’s a strategic business investment. A well-designed website boosts credibility, fosters trust, and showcases your brand’s personality for people to contact you for your business expertise. It’s not just about aesthetics; a quality website offers seamless navigation, mobile responsiveness, and fast load times, all crucial for retaining visitor interest and improving search engine rankings.

Moreover, with the rise of online shopping and research, your website often dictates whether a visitor becomes a loyal customer. So, cutting corners in design can cost you more in lost opportunities. We’ve personally seen this numerous times, unfortunately. Investing in quality web design prioritizes long-term growth, builds a brand reputation, and sets your business up for online success. Ready to make a wise investment? Let’s chat about elevating your digital presence!

Why Quality Web Design is a Business Investment, Not an Expense

In today’s digital age, having a top-notch website is crucial for any business. Think of your website as a storefront: it’s often the first interaction potential customers have with your brand. Investing in high-quality web design ensures this interaction is positive and memorable and leads to conversions.

While some may view web design as a mere expense, it’s a strategic business investment. A well-designed website boosts credibility, fosters trust, and showcases your brand’s personality for people to contact you for your business expertise. It’s not just about aesthetics; a quality website offers seamless navigation, mobile responsiveness, and fast load times, all crucial for retaining visitor interest and improving search engine rankings.

Moreover, with the rise of online shopping and research, your website often dictates whether a visitor becomes a loyal customer. So, cutting corners in design can cost you more in lost opportunities. We’ve personally seen this numerous times, unfortunately. Investing in quality web design prioritizes long-term growth, builds a brand reputation, and sets your business up for online success. Ready to make a wise investment? Let’s chat about elevating your digital presence!

Why Does EyeUniversal Stand Out in Web Design Services?

Eye Universal shines bright as a beacon of excellence in the vast ocean of web design companies. But what makes us a cut above the rest?

Personalized Design Approach: Every brand is unique, and so should its website. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we tailor-make designs to resonate with your brand’s voice and ethos.
User-Centric Designs: At EyeUniversal, our designs aren’t just pretty but functional. We prioritize user experience, ensuring that navigation is intuitive and content is easily accessible.
Cutting-edge Technology: We’re in tune with the latest design trends and technological advancements. Combining aesthetic appeal with robust functionality, we craft websites that are eye-catching and efficient.Expert Team: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with a passion for perfection. From graphic designers to backend developers, every member is a technical niche maestro committed to delivering nothing but the best.
Results-Driven Methodology: A great website is more than just visuals. We focus on driving tangible results, including increased traffic, higher engagement rates, or boosted sales.
Comprehensive Support: Our relationship continues once your website is live. We want to ensure we care for you and don’t leave you in a lurch after the website is completed. We offer comprehensive after-launch support to ensure everything runs smoothly.

In a world where your website often creates the first impression, trust EyeUniversal to craft a digital masterpiece that impresses and delivers. Ready to embark on a transformative web design journey? Reach out today, and let’s turn your vision into a digital reality.

Why Does EyeUniversal Stand Out in Web Design Services?

Eye Universal shines bright as a beacon of excellence in the vast ocean of web design companies. But what makes us a cut above the rest?

Personalized Design Approach: Every brand is unique, and so should its website. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we tailor-make designs to resonate with your brand’s voice and ethos.
User-Centric Designs: At EyeUniversal, our designs aren’t just pretty but functional. We prioritize user experience, ensuring that navigation is intuitive and content is easily accessible.
Cutting-edge Technology: We’re in tune with the latest design trends and technological advancements. Combining aesthetic appeal with robust functionality, we craft websites that are eye-catching and efficient.Expert Team: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with a passion for perfection. From graphic designers to backend developers, every member is a technical niche maestro committed to delivering nothing but the best.
Results-Driven Methodology: A great website is more than just visuals. We focus on driving tangible results, including increased traffic, higher engagement rates, or boosted sales.
Comprehensive Support: Our relationship continues once your website is live. We want to ensure we care for you and don’t leave you in a lurch after the website is completed. We offer comprehensive after-launch support to ensure everything runs smoothly.

In a world where your website often creates the first impression, trust EyeUniversal to craft a digital masterpiece that impresses and delivers. Ready to embark on a transformative web design journey? Reach out today, and let’s turn your vision into a digital reality.

What Our Clients Say About Us

What we’ve done for our clients.

What Our Clients Say About Us

What we’ve done for our clients.

Get Your Customized Web Design Quote Today!

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Frequently Asked Questions?

Can I update my website content after it's built?

Absolutely! Modern websites are built on platforms that allow easy content updates anytime.

What's the difference between a template and a custom website design?

Templates are pre-made, while custom designs are tailored to your needs and brand. However, templates can be customized to save time and costs.

How often should I consider redesigning or updating my website?

Ideally, evaluate your site every 2-3 years, but always update content regularly for marketing purposes.

What's the difference between UX and UI design?

UX focuses on user experience and site functionality, while UI centres on visual design and layout.

Do you design websites with international audiences in mind?

Yes, we design for a global audience, ensuring cross-cultural compatibility and rules and regulations of the region/countries.

Can you redesign my existing website without changing the content?

Certainly! We can refresh the design while retaining your original content. However, the expectation is there will be some content changes to fit the new design so it looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

How do you prioritize user experience in your designs?

We focus on intuitive navigation, call to action (CTAs), readability, and interactive elements for a seamless user journey.

Do you incorporate SEO principles into your website design process?

We focus on intuitive navigation, call to action (CTAs), readability, and interactive elements for a seamless user journey.

Is the website design optimized for fast loading times?

Yes, we prioritize speed optimization, ensuring users don’t face slow load times. Website loading time is crucial for Google for SEO and rankings purposes.

How do you prioritize content or features in the design layout?

We collaborate with you to emphasize core messages and CTAs, ensuring key features are prominent and accessible.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Can I update my website content after it's built?

Absolutely! Modern websites are built on platforms that allow easy content updates anytime.

What's the difference between a template and a custom website design?

Templates are pre-made, while custom designs are tailored to your needs and brand. However, templates can be customized to save time and costs.

How often should I consider redesigning or updating my website?

Ideally, evaluate your site every 2-3 years, but always update content regularly for marketing purposes.

What's the difference between UX and UI design?

UX focuses on user experience and site functionality, while UI centres on visual design and layout.

Do you design websites with international audiences in mind?

Yes, we design for a global audience, ensuring cross-cultural compatibility and rules and regulations of the region/countries.

Can you redesign my existing website without changing the content?

Certainly! We can refresh the design while retaining your original content. However, the expectation is there will be some content changes to fit the new design so it looks aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

How do you prioritize user experience in your designs?

We focus on intuitive navigation, call to action (CTAs), readability, and interactive elements for a seamless user journey.

Do you incorporate SEO principles into your website design process?

We focus on intuitive navigation, call to action (CTAs), readability, and interactive elements for a seamless user journey.

Is the website design optimized for fast loading times?

Yes, we prioritize speed optimization, ensuring users don’t face slow load times. Website loading time is crucial for Google for SEO and rankings purposes.

How do you prioritize content or features in the design layout?

We collaborate with you to emphasize core messages and CTAs, ensuring key features are prominent and accessible.


Call or email for solutions to grow your business.

Toll Free 888.963.9348

Our offices

San Diego 858.779.4939

Los Angeles310.873.3887


Mailing Address
4660 La Jolla Village Drive
Suite 100-9233a
San Diego, CA 92122